Watch the video above to learn about how to load documents and slides into Download sample prepared content files here and follow the steps.
Login to your URL (i.e. <yoururl>
Upload Documents
1. Click on Documents in the menu then click “Create document”
2. Select the language the document is written in
3. Enter a title for the document and paste in your content
4. Look it over for any formatting issues, then save.
Generate a translation
1. Click on the “+” icon and select the language you want to translate into.
2. Check the box to generate the automatic translation then click “Add translation”.
3. This can be reviewed by a volunteer.
Upload Slides
1. Click on Slides in the menu then click “Upload slides”
2. You can upload slides as either PDF or images. Drag in your file to upload.
Generate Slide Translation
1. Once it’s uploaded, click into it and select “Meta info”
2. Choose the primary channel–this is the language the slides are written in.
3. Then to generate a translation, select a language under “Language overlays” and click “Yes” when it asks about generating a translation overlay.
4. Within a few seconds, you will be able to see the translation overlay.